“Made After Story” is a process and a moment, an ensemble and a fragment, a short and endless narrative. It’s a silkscreen poster which becomes an environment through its repetitive use; the ensemble serves as a patterned background for a found photograph of a disguised little girl. With layers of lines and graphic motifs, Christos Lialios combines an austere approach with handmade details and childlike spontaneity; the reduced range of colors echoes the poetic quality of the print. It is on display as a take-away stack, at the disposal of the audience. Ephemeral, it still exists beyond the exhibition context and each visitor can then activate his own transitory space, his on-going narrative. While the reduced range of colors echoes its dream-like character. —Ghislaine Dantan
Wallpaper and installation for the group exhibition Dialogoi VI-Dokimes IV curated by Ghislaine Dantan held at Amore Theatre from 04.05.2007-30.05.2007.
Participating artists: Stelios Dexis, Christos Lialios, Vasilis Mpalatsos and Myrsini (Myrto) Vounatsou.